Maintaining Your Health

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Needs Your Attention Now!

IBS is a functional disorder affecting the working of your digestive system. By the time ingested food reaches the large intestine, most essential nutrients have already been taken up by the small intestines and other digestive parts. The large intestine's primary role is to take up salts and water from the remaining materials that haven't been taken up as food. IBS stops this from happening, and the effect is devastating for patients who develop this condition. Your large intestines may appear normal from scans but fail to work properly. If you are developing this condition, here is a piece worth reading for your health's sake

What Happens During Irritable Bowel Syndrome? 

The large intestines have robust muscles that it uses to push items down further down the digestive systems. These muscles undergo contractions to move the food material in a predictable pattern. When the pattern changes, muscle spasms occur, and you develop irritable bowel syndrome. The spasms are painful, and they can slow down the movement of food. You start to constipate when this happens. If the spasms hasten the movement of food, the result is severe diarrhoea. The worst-case scenario is a combination of both effects. 

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome is attributable to several things. The first one is a change in the development of the large intestine muscles, which translate to changes in the contractions. Long and strong contractions cause diarrhoea, bloating and gas. Weak contractions slow down the movement of food leading to dry stools. Secondly, IBS can be the result of nervous malfunctions. Poor coordination of signals between the intestines and the brain can make your body respond poorly to the large intestines' digestive processes. Lastly, IBS can crop a secondary effect to a previous disease infection caused by bacteria or gastroenteritis. 

What Foods Should You Eat?

Diet is critical to the management of irritable bowel syndrome. Even though you may be undergoing treatment, diet helps to manage symptoms and speed up the recovery process. It is advisable to go for foods that encourage the normal functioning of the large intestines, including high-fibre foods and fibre supplements. You are better off introducing the fibre gradually into your diet and increasing the amounts every day. Doing it abruptly puts you at risk of constipating. You also need to take lots of water and foods rich in carbohydrates. Avoid foods that increase the gaseous content In your digestive system. You should refrain from dairy products such as cheese and milk.

For more information, reach out to a professional who provides IBS treatments